This matters.
Motherhood matters.
You feel the weight of it late night, when the babes are finally in bed and you go over the details of the day in slow motion. You clearly see how much you’ve failed, and you wonder why on earth God chose you for something that matters so much.
>>> If you’re a mama who feels like she has messed up and missed out, this space is for you. <<<
No matter how much you think you’ve failed, I believe you can find grace for the mother you are and help to become the mother you long to be. You can be a mom who has the freedom to choose the better things and enjoy her kids right now, in the middle of a lived-in life.
What other mamas are saying
You brought me to tears. This is exactly where I am today. My house is a mess, I have two or more baskets of clean clothes that need to be folded, carpets to vacuum, and a fussy baby to boot. It is good to be reminded that we never get back time with our children and to spend it (wisely) investing in them. The other stuff that seems important in the moment can wait. -Beth
Thank you. I sit here with tears rolling down my face having doubted myself, and cringed in concern of what others must think way too often. Thank you for the reminder of being blessed and living in grace. -Sandy
This gives me so much hope, I can’t even explain. -Emily
What if you could change?
Imagine what your life would be like if you could just stop the clock, if you could pause your doing and be fully, gloriously present in the life you’ve been given?
>>> When you join this community of moms, you’ll quickly discover that
you don’t have to earn the best things in life; you simply choose them. <<<
Kristen’s story
When my twins were born, I became the mother of five kids under six. I wanted to slow down and soak in the precious, fleeting season of my life, but I had no idea how to do it and still make sure no one ran around naked and half-starved. “If I could just catch up,” I thought, “THEN I could be present in my own life.” But catching up was as elusive as fitting into my pre-pregnancy jeans.
I soon realized my work would never be done. I had to choose to enjoy my husband and kids even while the dishes grew crusty in the sink. It was not easy—it is not easy—to prioritize the better things. But I am learning to put my to-do list in its place, right after present. And perfect? Well, let’s just say I’m saving that for the other side of eternity.
How about you?
Are you are ready to break free from your task-driven motherhood? Do you want to be a part of a community of women who encourage one another to enjoy their children right now?
Then come on in; I’m so glad you’re here. Settle in and take some time to get acquainted. If you don’t know where to start, this is one post that has resonated with women just like you:
>>> Counting the Hours <<<
I can’t wait to get to know you better. If you have a minute, introduce yourself by sending me a note to Tell me your story, and don’t be afraid to let me know what isn’t working in your life right now. Chances are, I’ve been there myself. I can help.
Together, we can begin to choose the better things.
Much love,