We got the news on Saturday. For over three weeks, we have been waiting to hear where Jeff’s first duty assignment as an active duty chaplain will be. It was a good sort of waiting, like waiting for Christmas, because every place was exciting and new.
But still, three weeks is a long time to wait to see what is under the tree.
The kids and I looked at maps of all the Army installations around the world and dreamed about the possibilities. We could be moved right down the road to Ft. Lewis, which would make it easier to say good-bye to Nana and Papa, or we could be sent across the ocean to new adventures in Japan or Germany.
“I just hope it’s not Texas,” Jeff would say when the topic came up. He had been stationed in San Antonio in his Air Force days, back when he was young and single and almost as incredibly handsome as he is now. If I had known him then, I would have snatched him right up.
But I wasn’t there because I didn’t know him then.
Because of that, and a few other reasons, San Antonio was miserable. San Antonio was the reason he got out after three years instead of four. San Antonio was the reason Texas did not make the list when Jeff’s recruiter asked him where he’d like to be stationed.
So when I got home on Saturday from a day out with Faith and Jeff met us in the driveway with a big grin and the news, “Well, I heard where we’re going!” I did not expect him to say El Paso, Texas.
El Paso, Texas?
I choked on a laugh and repeated the words because I thought he was joking.
“Are you serious? Texas?”
“I would not make that up,” he said. “We’re headed to Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas.”
“Ft. Bliss?” The name made me explode, it seemed so funny to me. Ft. Bliss. God has a sense of humor.
Jeff was smiling too so I grabbed him around the neck and kissed him because it was so wonderful to know. Texas! Suddenly it didn’t matter that San Antonio was not his favorite place on earth. This was not San Antonio. This was Ft. Bliss!
Joy rushed in with the knowing, and we both felt the thrill of knowing where the next two years were going to find us.
“We’re going to Texas! We’re going to Texas!” the kids whooped and hollered in the driveway.
All except for Kya, who burst into tears and ran into the house.
But we could not stop laughing. God was not going to let us off the hook with this whole faith thing, not now, not ever.
“Where is El Paso?” Jonathan said, wrinkling up his nose like the word tasted funny in his mouth.
“Let’s find out!” I said, and we all ran for the classroom atlas that we keep stowed away in the school cupboard. We flipped open the pages to the state that will be our new home in just a few weeks, and found El Paso. There it was, right in the foothills, within spitting distance of Mexico, with miles and miles of desert all around.
I looked out at my lush green yard and the beautiful view of the ocean and the snowy mountains and I laughed again. I was going to need to buy more sunscreen.
But what an adventure!
“We’re going to learn Spanish,” I told the kids, “and go to Mexico! Just wait until you see it!”
It’s been nearly twenty years since I lived in Mexico, but it has not been so long that I have forgotten what it was like to walk through the shanty towns, what it was like to drive by the street kids, dressed in rags and high on paint thinner. It has not been so long that I have forgotten the warmth of the people and the richness of the culture. It has not been so long that I have forgotten how much I loved it.
I was going to get to take my kids to Mexico!
The kids were thrilled about the Mexico part. Not so much the Spanish. Spanish sounds a little bit like school, and that was an unfortunate reminder that schoolbooks are packable.
“What’s it like in El Paso?” Faith asked.
“Well, there are lots of rocks, and swimming pools, tons of tarantulas and scorpions…” I paused for a second and wondered if it was a good idea to embellish the amount of venomous creatures in and around El Paso. I wasn’t exactly sure there were tons of them, and I could just imagine God giving me a house infested with them just because I promised it to the kids.
So, that would be great.
“Will I be able to catch lizards?” Jonathan asked. He was practically foaming at the mouth. Arachnids the size of dinner plates and scaly things that bite are his favorite.
“What kind?”
Jeeze. “Well…”
“Does everyone have a swimming pool?” Kya asked, saving me from having to recall anything beyond an armadillo, which isn’t even a lizard, but I couldn’t think of iguana for the life of me and I suddenly felt insecure about whether or not Gila monsters lived in Texas. I should have paid more attention when Planet Earth was on.
“Will we have a pool?” Kya pressed her hand on my arm, tears still glittering in her eyes, and looked at me intently. This could be the deciding factor on whether or not she moved to Texas with us or packed up her princess paraphernalia and moved in with Nana for the next two years.
“Oh, Kya, of course…”
Jeff looked at me and shook his head. The thought of pool maintenance weighed heavier on his heart than her puppy eyes. The man is made of steel.
“…of course…I don’t know yet,” I said slowly. “We’ll see.”
Jeff looked at me again, only this time his face was very clearly communicating something like, “There is no way on earth we are getting a house with a pool,” but he said, “I saw a picture of the one on post, and it looks pretty great. It has a water slide and everything.”
Nice save.
Her eyes grew wide.
“Awesome!” Jonathan yelled.
The living room erupted into shouts and cheers and various forms of interpretive dance. Kya threw her arms around me. This is going to be okay.
And of course, it really is going to be okay. I looked at my children and I thought about all the places Jeff and I have lived, both before we were married and after. Our lives have taken us all over the world, and while we both have lived in places we did not love, we have yet to find a place on this earth where God’s mercies do not reach. All of those experiences have shaped us into the people we are today.
I can’t wait for my kids to have some of those adventures.
So. We are going to El Paso, and it’s going to be great!
I’ve been scrolling through your blog and stumbled across this post. Love the kids’ different reactions to the prospect of moving to West Texas. When we moved to El Paso 5 years ago, my kids were not happy campers, but they’ve grown to love a lot of things about it – especially Tex-Mex food and hiking in the Franklin Mountains.
Saw that y’all recently left El Paso for Alaska! What a change of scenery! So fun that y’all get to experience different places as a family 🙂 Hope everything with the PCS went smoothly and that you’re settling in quickly!
Have enjoyed your blog for a good year now, best wishes in your move to TX. Though I am in Raleigh, NC, my husband is from ELP, his parents are still there. His mom goes to a great church out there if you are interested. Frankie’s tacos are the BEST in the world (& I have eaten my fair share) & there are some neat things to see nearby–Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, are two that quickly come to mind…some beautiful scenery in the mountainous desert drives. Look forward to hearing how you settle in!
Thank you! I can’t wait to go. We are so looking forward to exploring the area and settling in. It’s going to be a great adventure!
I’m in central Texas, and absolutely love it! 🙂 El Paso isn’t as pretty as the Hill Country, but it’s not as ugly as San Antonio either! Welcome to the Lone Star State.
as to Gila monsters, yes, but they are rare to see, don’t touch, just take a picture. it’s hot and dry, but bareable since its not humid. You’ll need a swamp cooler, it works better there. Keep the lawn/ patio furniture white since the pretty black spider thinks the green ones are nice to hide in. there is GREAT pest management there!! you are REALLY close to NMSU, Las Cruces and John Picketts youth go to Juarez. They also used to be involved in Casa Hogar Acapulco, where I grew up. We taught the kids Spanish with Risas and Sonrisas. There is a CD with songs and pronunciacion and a Skit CD for when they learn their vocab. Knowing Latin will really help once they learn to conjugate!!!
I have lived in Texas my entire life. It will be a huge change for you, but an awesome adventure. Wishing all the best for your family.
Thank you! We’re excited!
Great! Now I’ve got “We’re moving to El Paso and it’s going to be great” stuck in my head to the tune of “We’re going to the chapel, and we’re gonna get married”!
Texas will be very different but that’s not a bad thing.
Do you read “It’s Twinsanity”? The author has two sets of twins and three other children and is an Army wife. I think you’d enjoy her posts…K
Haha! Sorry about that! I have not read Twinsanity. She sounds more nuts than I am! I’ll have to check it out!
It’s going to be hard to leave Nana and Papa, your wonderful neighbors and church. But Nana and Papa can come to visit (hopefully often) and hopefully you’ll get to go back home to visit the neighbors and church. And have loads and loads of adventures – and find out that Ft. Bliss really is blissful!!!
Yes! I’m sure Nana and Papa will be permanent fixtures in our guest room!
“The safest place to be is in God’s will.” It will be great!
What an exciting adventure! God is so good.
Your reactions were beautifully described – as always.
I need to ask a favor before you move – any chance you would sell or trade your Kefir grains? I could meet anytime you need and we can pick a location close to you.
Thank you, Kathy! I stopped giving away kefir grains because things have been so hectic, but they’re growing like crazy in this warm weather so if you can make it my way before we move, I’d be happy to pass some on!
The excitement is infectious. I WANNA GO TO TEXAS NOW!! 😀
I kind of know how you feel…when my husband was finishing up medical school and waiting for his residency match day, we were both on pins and needles trying to figure out where the residency match deities would allow our chips to fall. Options – Pennsylvania, Florida, and Michigan. I told him that my LAST choice would be Michigan (couldn’t imagine living in such frigidity after two decades in Georgia). I guess God decided I needed to learn to trust Him more…because we are now living in East Lansing, Michigan (home of the MSU Spartans – GO GREEN!).
When we got the news (on Valentine’s Day 2011), I was just relieved that the wait was over and that we knew where we would be for the next 3 to 5 years of our lives…and relief turned to excitement.
Congratulations to your entire family! Hope the next two years are as blessed as ever!
What a great story! It sounds like you know EXACTLY how we feel!
Does this mean I won ‘t be seeing you next year at the Writer’s Conferance?
You’ll just have to come to some of the conferences in Texas! 😉
I’ll be praying for “Nana.” I think she may need it more than you will. Of course, I’ll still be praying for your family, but I know God will give you many blessings for following His leading.
Thank you, Helen. I think you’re right!
Aunt Lynn said that it’s still a world away. Hopefully you all may be able to make some contact while there.
Yes, we won’t be very close, I’m afraid. But, I am hoping to head her way to see them and some other friends I have in the area. What fun it will be!
And I repeat: if you had to move to Texas, why, oh WHY did you have to be 11 hours away? (Did I say 10 last time? Because I’m pretty sure it’s 11).
But yes. It will be okay. You will drive 5 1/2 hours, and I will drive 5 1/2 hours, and we will go shopping at the San Marcos outlet malls. 🙂
We made it through Colorado and over Hoover Dam in 16, but we were hauling my stuff in a pickup. it goes faster with less weight.
Woo hoo! You have a deal. I’m sure I will find you. All this talk about how big Texas is, but really, some days an eleven hour drive sounds like the perfect thing to do. 🙂
As you know, there are good and bad things in every location. We have moved a couple of times, so I know that it’s both fun and very hard. 🙂 Blessings and prayers to you and your family. I am thankful that you have a settled situation now! I struggle a lot with uncertainty, and feel I can handle most anything if I can just KNOW what it is. (YES, I do have trust issues, and I know that! :))
Ha–I think I have trust issues too!
I already know what I am getting you for a home warming gift. 🙂 Even though it isn’t as close to Dallas as i would have loved, I am glad you are going to be in Texas. Blame me for the move? 🙂
I will tell Nana it’s all your fault. 🙂
Ahhh Ft Bliss. I once told my husband it was a nice place to visit but I never want to live here as we visited my family on their way back from Germany. God however has a sense of humor because 6 years later that was exactly where we ended up. I had never seen such beauty in a sun rise and set. They say it is the dust ,but you can’t explain it to people who have grass in their yards.Maybe they are right.El Paso time is slower than everyone elses too,they seem to enjoy taking their time and just drinking in the day. I spent four years there and had 3 of my five kids and for some place that I never wanted to live ,it sure was hard to leave.Culture shock set in at first but after a while you become part of El Paso. Good luck and ENJOY !!!
I love this story! How neat is God?
When we lived in the south central part of washington, the sunsets in the desert were the most beautiful! Not the same as Texas, I know…but we were in the desert, too and I actually prefer that to the beauty of the coast because (for me) it was easier to see the beauty in God’s creation when you have to LOOK for it. It’s like a great treasure hunt, and all the same time, it’s not really a hunt at all because God’s placed so many beautiful things and people all around you that all you have to do is just BE there. Or maybe I’m partial to deserts because God did so much for us while we lived in one? 😀
I feel the same way, that there is always beauty to be found if we just take the time to look for it. I’m looking forward to seeing a new kind of beauty in El Paso!
Oh, how exciting for you all! What a great big adventure for you, Jeff and your five in tow! This whole post is simply bubbling with so much joy, excitement and happiness that it made me smile all the way to the last sentence. 🙂 When are you moving? I hope all the packing up goes well!
Thank you! We are thrilled! Jeff has a report date set, but we’re not sure when we’re moving yet because he doesn’t have orders. They should be coming any day…we hope. 🙂
Oh, by the way, tell Jonathan that the horned toads are easy to catch. And harmless, Mom, though they look scary.
Oh. My. Goodness. This just made his day. Now all I’m hearing is horny toad this and horny toad that. Just so you all know, if you come to visit, you should check under the beds first!
My grandparents lived in El Paso when I was growing up and we spent time EVERY summer there. I remember horny toads, stacked enchiladas, nose bleeds from the dryness, Carlsbad Caverns visits, trips to Juarez for flouncy dresses and turquoise jewelry.
I love what you said, “Our lives have taken us all over the world, and while we both have lived in places we did not love, we have yet to find a place on this earth where God’s mercies do not reach. All of those experiences have shaped us into the people we are today.” – and totally agree!
And housing is sooo inexpensive there! Yay for that, huh?
Actually, I don’t think Mexico will be on your list. Last time I was there, Mexico was OFF LIMITS because of all the crime and everything. Another thing…It’s HOT there…and dry. I’ve been to Tacoma, so I know what you’re used to, and this is a lot different. If you want to chat you can hit me up on FB but I’m blocked from interacting with pages until next week…ughhhh. There are some good points about El Paso…BUT………….
Yes, I’ve heard that we can’t go through Juarez. Bummer. I lived near Tyler, Texas, for a few months before I moved to Mexico City, but I really have never lived in the desert. East Texas is pretty lush compared to El Paso! It’s going to be quite the change!
Yes!! It will be okay, and such a great experience for the kids to share another part of our great country!! There are such things as airplanes, too…..
Oh, Texas! That’s a change. 🙂 But my hubby, who spent some of his growing up years in Texas (Dallas, granted. He says there’s a difference. But I wouldn’t know!) says it isn’t so bad. Hot, dusty, but not bad. He says there is awesome produce, (he loved avocados and mangoes not breaking the bank!) and the most magnificent thunderstorms. And miles and miles of Texas can make you feel a little bit free.
I hope your adventures there are wonderful ones!